
More DAoC Goodness has posted up yet more screenshots of Dark Ages of Camelot. They have nine new ones, including some screenshots of an Aged Basilisk. Pretty good stuff. Check ’em out by clicking here.

Wizardry 8 Screen Jobbies

Wake up publishers and grab this title! This is Wizardry we’re talking about. Yes, it’s been in development for a long time but still looks very good relative to any of today’s RPG’s, and yes, if you stretch your imagination…

Forever Everquesting in Velious

The drug of choice for over 300,000, probably getting close to 400,000 in a few weeks, EverQuest and its new expansion Scars of Velious, have proved that tolerance can be recycled. Releasing first Kunark last spring, and now Scars of…

Warcraft III Spoils

Can’t get enough of Blizzard’s next million-seller game, Warcraft III? A french gaming site named Joystick has a brand new preview (in French) of this treasure of a game, with a few never-before seen screenshot jewels. Now, after you check…

New Banner

In case you haven’t noticed, our advertising banner is now different. We’ve switched companies for various reasons. Anyway, if you like what you see here at GameBanshee, please click on our sponsor to help us in maintaining the quality gaming…


I’ve temporarily removed the poll due to some problems with MySQL. We’ll have it back up as soon as we can. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Star Wars Galaxies Galactically Updated

The Official FAQ to the future king of MMORPG’s (call it a hunch – king does not mean best, that’s for time to tell), Star Wars Galaxies, was given some slight modifications by one of those droids which/who/that I’m sure…

Neverwinter Like Never Before!

275 Megs of Neverwinter Nights’ action like you have just never seen. Fileplanet has 19 NWN movies that fit together into one continuous whole totalling over 275 Megabytes. Each of them fit together so that if you download them all,…

Second Origin Interview

In case you missed it elsewhere, (it being breaking news yesterday), the Ultima Worlds site conducted a feel-good interview with Cynthe, the Community Coordinator for the eventual hugely popular MMORPG, Ultima Worlds Online: Origin. If you delve into it, you’ll…

Dark Age of Camelot Cozy Chat

In case your schedule just didn’t have room for the Dark Age of Camelot House of Commons chat last night with the dev. team, don’t despair. Camelot Stratics now has an edited chat log of the event just for your…