
GameBanshee Feature: Neverwinter Nights Interview

We’ve got a giant’s feast of exclusive information for you today on BioWare’s forthcoming incredibly detailed RPG Neverwinter Nights! Our interview helps to expand the public’s knowledge base of the game with Q & A’s such as this, a little…

Morrowind Q & A Morsels

Todd Howard is the project leader of what is looking like the most beautiful publicly well-known game in development (I’ll take full responsibility for saying that). It’s the 1st-person single-player RPG Morrowind, and in an e-interview with Actiontrip he lends…

Neverwinter Nights Interview

The team over at BioWare has created quite a history for themselves. By combining the gripping storylines and extensive gameplay associated with tabletop AD&D gaming with the functionality of computer gaming, they’ve provided us with some of the most revolutionary…

Origin Enterview

A new word. Enterview. Meaning E-interview, the now extremely common process of sending an electronic “interview” to a person, and having them respond via e-mail. Well, RPGvault’s Jonric enterview’s the “Executive in Charge of Production” (does that mean producer?) of…

DAoC Q&A Session Tonight

Your chance to speak (or just lurk) with the developers for the medieval MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot is tonight! At 8 eastern, 7 central, 6 mountain, 5 pacific, Camelot Stratics will host the first of hopefully many Camelot House…

A Designer’s Every Day

Not just any designer. It’s Peetah Molyneux’s daily routine amongst the European community he lives in, 15 minutes away from Lionhead Studios where they’re working on the title that has me aching that I’m not a part of something like…

Massive Multiplayer Online Games

They aren’t just role-playing games anymore. And we’re only talking about the “persistent world” versions of the MMOGs. To give us an idea of just how many of these types of games are in development, Lum the Mad has posted…

Anarchy Online Interview

The Corporation has posted up an interview with Andre Wigmostad from Funcom about their soon-to-be-released MMORPG Anarchy Online. Here’s one of the questions pertaining to PvP: Q: One of the most popular questions asked: how are you going to handle…

Roller Coaster

If any title is able to get attention, it’s that. Who’s not into Roller Coasters? Even if you’re sort of afraid of going on one, there’s still something awe inspiring about them, primal, visceral. A testiment to that is the…

Shadowbane Character Creation

One of the joys of RPGing is creating characters, and deciding just who you want to be. This holds true just as much or more for MMORPG’s than normal single player ones. Not much detail about the characters of the…