
Summoner Shots

GameSpy has posted up some additional screenshots for the upcoming RPG Summoner. Give them a look by clicking here.

Everquest’s Velious Ships

Thanks to voodooextreme who in turn heard from Everlore that the EQ Addon, Scars of Velious has shipped! Expect to see it in stores toward the end of the week. That’s great news for 300,000 faithful, and counting. =)

Dark Age Observances

A bit dispassionate in tone and content but nevertheless enjoyable, Jonric of RPGvault offers up some of his impressions after 10 hours ofthe 2nd phase of beta in the MMORPG set in Albion, Dark Age of Camelot. It’s fun to…

Warcraft III Dark Blessings

Blizzard has two new beautifully dark offerings from their Warcraft III screenshot gallery making manifest the 5th race, Dark Elves. They’re in .zip format but come in multiple flavors and color depths for the bandwidth challenged as well as the…

Star Wars Galaxies Reconnaissance

RPGvault has bucketfuls of recent forum postings from the team of the MMORPG in the works, Star Wars Galaxies. Here’s a smidgeon from Shug Ninx: One of our overall goals is to immerse players in a recreation of the Star…

Ode to Freelancer

Freelancer, the ‘epic’ space action/market/RPG resembling a newer Elite, is rumored now to be either scaled down or cancelled completely by Microsoft. Here’s the scoop from Avault: A confidential source has granted credence to a recent report on Voodoo Extreme…

James Leach Interview had the chance to interview James Leach, Lionhead’s script writer, creators of the upcoming RPG/Strategy game Black & White. The interview covers the story in ‘Black&White’ as well as the quests and challenges. James Leach addresses problems of “good”…

Horizons Voluminous Regalia

Voluminous regalia might be taking it a bit far, but who knows, maybe the MMORPG Horizons will be the king of MMORPG’s someday.=) Artifact Entertainment has abundantly updated their official Horizons’ site with new concept art and more entries into…

Anarchy Online Massive Final Touches

We almost have another MMORPG on our hands! Anarchy Online is in its final stages; they (Funcom) were supposed to release it before Christmas but decided to push it back a little to polish those hard-to-reach areas so to speak…

Blizzard Cinematics

Of course, if you’ve played any of Blizzard’s games, you’re aware of how professionally done they are. In fact, the cinematics in some of their recent titles, such as Diablo II, are nothing short of fantastic. Computer Games Online has…