
Game Related in a Round About Way

Browser news. How’s this game related? Well, when you need to go to gamefaqs for hints. When you need to come here for news and game information. Anyway, thought this was amusing, a comedic angle on the browser that’s going…

Origin Exposition

Since it’s not very long, I’ll post the whole of Chris McDonald’s team comments from the MMORPG Origin right here. It’s mostly about the pre-alpha phase coming up and quality assurance: Hello, It’s been a few weeks since my last…

Dark Age Screen Snaps

If you didn’t make the 2nd beta for the MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot, you’re definitely not alone. Only 500 did after all. So what that leaves us to do is check out the previews and screenshots from the people…

What’s the #1 BG2 Site?

Well, we are of course! We are Interplay’s little mascots now. The Baldur’s Gate II Official Fan Site! Apparently (from an inside source) the team over there is really impressed with our BG2 Pavilion, enough to make us their mascots.…

Allyce Demo!

Here’s some great news. American McGee (before I had Troika Games, the makers of Arcanum… well no one caught it… where the hell is my mind tonight? It’s been in that article I’m writing for 8 hours straight. No offense…

Morrowind Confusion Slip Slidin’ Away

As the Morrowind draws nearer and nearer… edging closer and closer, yet still so far away with a lot of work left (oh how I count the days until I can help make a game like this (or better) reality),…

Speculation on Gaming’s Future

Three popular gamers got together with Redherring to talk about the chemistry of gaming so to speak: why it’s so popular, what the future holds, what the ultimate game would have, and more. It’s definitely a good read with the…

B&W Compass Still Working

Lionhead is still on track for releasing Black & White in February, which is great news. Posted to the official board by a member of the team, Jamie Durrant: We’re still on course for February 2001.

Spring Rain of Developer Origins

Gamespy has posted the final day of Developer Origins that take a look at how companies like Looking Glass, Interplay, Verant and Ensemble among others came up with their name and logo. If you missed the last four days, picking…

Behold NWN

Few games make the hair on the back of my neck stand up by simply watching the trailers and/or movies. Well, I can chalk up one more on my list. IGN has posted up a new movie trailer for Neverwinter…