
Staw Wars Opens Worldwide

The website for the MMORPG that we now can call by name, Star Wars Galaxies, officially has opened. Please do yourself a favor and synaptically e-spark over to the new Official SW Galaxies Page.

Minister of Fiction to Origin

If there was ever a job title that I’d want, it would be that. Minister of Fiction. How insanely cool. It can mean anything of course. And actually that can apply to 75% of all jobs. Further… to every human…

Extra Chub

Don’t overindulge all at once now, leave room for more because lord only knows how many more of these things are coming our way, there’s now even more Developer Origins at Gamespy.<g> You can find out how BioWare, id, Westwood,…

DAoC Inside Reconnaissance

Better even than a monkey trick, you can read a new and quite full preview brought to life from GamesDomain about the MMORPG in beta phase 2, Dark Age of Camelot. Seems the gameplay is winning players over. Here’s an…

I thought I was Passionate….

Well I am about games, but I’m not crazy-passionate. There’s a difference…. Owning the 2600, NES, SNES, Gameboy, Genesis, Playstation, N64, Neo-Geo myself and imports from San Fran to boot… it’s absolutely NOTHING compared to what this gentleman had for…

Origin, an MMORPG Sequel

In the soon-to-be crowded market of MMORPG’s some names just have more hype. This isn’t surprising to anyone of course, but of all things that are expected to do better than the original, it’s the sequels. There’ve been classic cases…

Neocron Learning Center Now Open

From the Reakktor team’s site for the MMORPG in the works, Neocron, there’s now a whole host of different ways to find out about the game. First off, the Neocron Timeline, a fictional (or is it) history of the gameworld,…

Fine Gaming Time, Don’t You Think?

Cruising, an incredible technology/ events/ gaming/ computer/ science news website, I came across a new gaming article that we should all take a look at. It’s how culture is changing with gaming becoming so big. Just how big? Well,…

Velious Last Shakedown

There’ll be more in the effort to squeeze as much EverQuest: Scars of Velious juice out of the remaining few days before we see the game, but for now taste 8 new shots brought to you by the makers of…

Morrowind Trumpets

Two bits today, so far. First, prepare tonight for the Morrowind team’s IRC chat beginning at 8pm Eastern, 7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific. Your IRC client’s channel will be tuned to, #ignvault. Todd Howard, the Project Leader and…