
Warcraft III Blitzkrieg

Coming at us faster than we can read these days, Computer Games Online also got the red carpet at Blizzard for a chance to preview their RPS of the future, Warcraft III. Settled at the bottom like oil in water…

What’s In A Name?

If you’re curious how a lot of the game developers out there acquired their name and logo, or if you’re looking for something game-related that’s not your usual preview or screenshots, Gamespy coerced quite a few game companies including Blizzard,…

Neverwinter Nights Preview

And we have yet another Neverwinter Nights preview, this time posted over at Quarter To Three. It also includes some screenshots, which they claim are exclusive, but they are the same ones we posted up a couple weeks back =).…

BG2 Patch Is Official

BioWare has posted up the “official” patch for Baldur’s Gate II. It’s basically just the beta patch (with support), but here is the list of all its fixes: Corrects the BG2 Windows Registry entries set by the original BG2 installation.…

EverQuest Finale of Screenshots

EverQuest: Scars of Velious is finished according to Verant and ready to be shipped. And in what’s shaping up to be the last of the pre-pics before we all get to taste it for ourselves, Voodooextreme has been officially snowballed…

Warcraft III Unknown Now Known

At last the final fifth race to star in Blizzard’s upcoming colossus Warcraft III has been revealed. According to the new issue of Computer Games Magazine has hit the shelves and the new race is… Night Elves. From what…


They promised you a unit update to their titanic Warcraft III Preview this last week. And they have. Stapled onto the back, you’ll find satisfactory descriptions of the Human, Orc and Undead new units. Traipse over and take a look.

Star Wars MMORPG Finds a Name

I like the name that LucasArts chose for their in-the-making-by-Verant (of EQ infamy) MMORPG. Here’s the crux of the press release by the momma jomma themselves: SAN RAFAEL, Calif. — November 29, 2000 — LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC today announced…

Black & White Screen Monopoly

For the time being at least, TotalVideoGames has twenty-two new shots of the upcoming god-game due early next year, Mr. Molyneux’s gem-in-waiting Black & White. Can I have this shot in 1280×1024 please?

More Holiday Direction

RPG Planet resuscitates many games from the end of last year in Part II of their RPG Holiday Gift Guide. You can find such games as Final Fantasy VII, VIII, the Fallout Bat-Kit, Septerra Core, System Shock 2, and more.…