
Anachronox Phantasy Star Wars

Are you having bad Final Fantasy flashbacks? Feel a need for more of that type of play, without the frustrating PC gameplay? Here’s a game that aspires to take the action/RPG (or is it RPG/action) throne away from the current…

28 Days of Shopping

This Holiday RPG Buying Guide brought to you by RPGPlanet. It doesn’t cover the other genres such as action, adventure, strategy, but there are a couple that are definitely more action oriented, namely Diablo II and Deus Ex. So if…

Kohan Interview

Wargamer has posted up an interview with Adel Chaveleh, one of the developers working on Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns. Here’s a bit of what they had to say: Tell us about the campaign game. How many scenarios will it contain? Can…

Online RPG Week

GameSpot’s Online RPG Week continues onto Day 5, with their newest batch of RPGs being Neverwinter Nights, Dark Ages, Nexus: Kingdom of the Winds, and Horizons: Empires of Istaria. Check them all out, along with the previous 4 days, by…

Best Game Music…. Ever

The purpose of this post is purely informative, and I hope to have more like this in the future, if it’s something you enjoy. =) Let me know. Hopefully it will enable some of you to look at games in…

Outrageous Black & White

This is a glimpse into the future of web page design… visit the official site for Lionhead Studios and be sure to pick the shocked site. It’s elegant, dynamic and so far above and beyond what you see any other…

Technomage Review & Screenshots

GildenWeb has posted up yet another review and a slew of screenshots for Technomage. Unfortunately, the review is in German, but you can check it out here if you know how to read it. For those of you like me…

Wizardry 8 Vessels of Eye Candy

The official site to the mass-awaited RPG that has yet to announce its publisher (I assume because they haven’t procured one yet), Wizardry 8, updated its page with a load of 8 new screenshots. On a large tangent:Interface can make…

Baldur’s Gate II Patch

Yes, BioWare has officially released a beta patch for Baldur’s Gate II. Here is a list of fixes: Corrects the BG2 Windows Registry entries set by the original BG2 installation. This will happen during the installation of the patch. Bgconfig.exe…

T-Day Poll Results

The results of our poll, “Which NPC from Baldur’s Gate II would you rather date,” are finalized as you may have noticed. And skewed (you know who you are <g>). With 1,022 votes cast here are the winnas: Aerie with…