
Black & White One on One

I couldn’t just leave after that last post… though I felt like it. =) Here’s some action on Black & White… I heard that the original title was Black OR White… but that game idea was scrapped early for being…

Anachronox Preview

Barry’s World has posted up a pretty nice preview of Ion Storm’s upcoming RPG Anachronox. Here’s a small text bite: Despite, or perhaps because of being based on the Quake 2 engine, Ion Storm have made major modifications, introducing effects…

Wizards & Warriors Review

Computer Games Online has posted up yet another preview, this time of Wizards & Warriors. Overall, they only gave the game a score of 2.5 (with 5 maximum), but it does contain some good information about the game if you’re…

TechnoMage Comic Preview and Media

Some news from my inbox over at RPGDot… The German softwarehouse Sunflowers has developed an action-role playing game called TechnoMage, which has currently gone gold. The first previews of this game were extremely positive so that the German publisher Carlsen…

Baldur’s Gate Test Part Two

RPGPlanet has posted up the second half of a difficult Baldur’s Gate test. Think you know a lot about the original and its sequel? Then give it a try here.

EverQuest Article

Ever wonder how much EverQuest and its expansion cost to produce? Well, has posted up an article that gives you the gritty details. Here’s a little something to give you the jist of the article: Verant spent close to…

Review and Progress Report

Looks like has posted up a review for Rune and the Adrenaline Vault has posted up a progress report for Magic & Mayhem: The Art of Magic, both worth checking out.

Everquest Screenshots

GameSpot has a complete assortment of screenshots for the upcoming expansion to EverQuest, the Scars of Velious. Check ’em out here.

More UO: Third Dawn

GameSpy has more information about the UO add-on along with quite a few screenshots of what exactly the 3D models are going to look like here.

DirectX 8 Released

For those of you who haven’t heard, Microsoft has released their much anticipated DirectX 8 today, adding a pile o’ nice features. These features will be present in upcoming games such as Mechwarrior 4 and will be emphasized by video…