
Neverwinter Nights Interview

The lucky crew over at Neverwinter Nexus were able to get an interview with Rob Bartel of the NWN development team. Here’s a quick bite of the strangest question in the batch: 12. Members of the BioWare team are frequently…

Gary Gygax Interview

Wow, another Gary Gygax interview! This time it’s over at and it’s in full audio, not just a transcript. You can listen to it here.

Dark Age of Camelot Interview

RPGPlanet has a new interview up with Dave Rickey of Mythic Entertainment about their upcoming MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot. You can check it out here.

Happy Halloween!

All of us here at GameBanshee would like to wish everyone a happy Halloween! Personally, it’s my favorite holiday, being the only day you can dress up like an alien, an ex-president, or Satan =) and nobody seems to care.…

Deus Ex Fidget Guide

One of Planethardware’s busy bees created a sophisticated performance tweak guide for the sophisticated espionage/action/RPG Deus Ex that’s now posted over at Gamespy.

Arcanum Reactions

RPGvault put forth more impressions from the beta of the… holocaustic/colonial/technological RPG Arcanum: …it rapidly becomes apparent that the world of Arcanum is an expansive one. The first destination on the main plot line is a small town called Shrouded…

EQ Add-on Movie & Chat

The 2nd add-on for the life-leech of a game, Everquest, entitled Scars of Velious, is due to be released this December. To join in some fun EQ hype or to taste some of the power in store for your 60th…

Diablo II Expansion Preview

ActionTrip has posted up a preview of the upcoming Diablo II expansion, Lord of Destruction (though due to some copyright issues, this might not be the official name at release time). Here’s a quick peek at one of the new…

Featured Screenshot

We’ve added a new “Featured Screenshot” section over on the right-hand side of the screen. This will be for those screenshots that depict some sort of interesting phenomenon, whether it be an insane battle, something humorous, etc. If you have…

Rune Demo!

Git ready! For those of you who are interested in Viking gore, midget Vikings in general or 3D Action with gorgeous graphics (using the Unreal Tournament engine), you can now pick up the new Rune demo. It’s around 86 megs…