
Upcoming Strategy RPGs

Expanding the definition of a Strategy RPG from a JRPG with a combat system that goes beyond just pressing A for 40 hours to also include tactical RPGs but with some extra management systems, and strategy games with RPG elements,…

featured image hogwarts legacy incendio

Hogwarts Legacy Casts Incendio (On Twitter)

In a tweet today, the Hogwarts Legacy Twitter account showed off one of the spells that will be in the upcoming game: Incendio! For those who don’t remember (or couldn’t guess from the spell’s name), Incendio is the spell in…

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Dead by Daylight Patch 6.5.0 PTB Live Now

Yesterday saw a dev update from BHVR that revealed a ton of exciting new changes for Dead by Daylight. Today, those changes hit the Public Test Beta in the form of Patch 6.5.0. We already talked a ton about the…

Diablo: Immortal – Rising Damnation Event Live

Rising Damnation, this year’s first content update for Blizzard Entertainment’s mobile-focused action-RPG Diablo: Immortal, is fairly compact. It introduces the eponymous limited-time event that will be staying live through January 13, 2023. It also updates and improves a number of…

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Starfield’s Enemies Might Not Be Level Scaled

In an interview last month with Lex Fridman, Todd Howard revealed that the star systems in Starfield will have level recommendations. This has many implications for how the game will be structured; and also, reveals a departure from long-standing mechanics…