
Dark Envoy Gameplay Trailer

Event Horizon Games has put together a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming “Guns N’ Sorcery” RPG Dark Envoy. If you’d like to know more about the game ahead of its expected release next year, you should check this out:…

The Iron Oath – Autumn Sale & Update Preview

With Steam’s Autumn Sale upon us, Curious Panda Games brings us this update that invites us to purchase the early access version of their turn-based tactical RPG The Iron Oath at 10% off. It then talks about the game’s next…

Fallout 76 – Season 11: Nuka-World Preview

Bethesda’s multiplayer survival RPG Fallout 76 will be getting a new, Nuka-Cola-themed progression season on December 6, 2022. And as such, the game’s latest development update brings us a quick preview of what this new season will have in store…

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Next-gen Update Trailer

With the next-gen update for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt scheduled to go live on December 14, 2022, CD Projekt brings us a shiny new trailer highlighting the update’s new features, as well as a developer livestream with an extended…

Songs of Conquest Gets Random Maps

The developers over at Lavapotion have put together a new early access update for Songs of Conquest that tweaks the game’s balance, introduces some new quality of life features and improves the game’s AI. But more importantly, it adds the…

Diablo: Immortal – Ancient Guardians Update Available

Blizard Entertainment brings us a fresh content update for their mobile-focused action-RPG Diablo: Immortal. The update introduces a new Battle Pass season, merges some servers, kicks off a number of in-game events, and features a decent number of bug fixes. Here…

New World: Forged in Aeternum – Play Styles

Instead of their usual Team Update, Amazon Game Studios brings us the first episode of Forged in Aeternum, a developer diary series where New World’s developers talk about the game and its various aspects. To kick things off, we get a…

Path of Exile 3.20 Balance Manifesto – Eldritch Altars

If you’d like to know how The Forbidden Sanctum expansion for Path of Exile will affect the game’s Eldritch Altars, you should check out the latest balance manifesto that outlines Grinding Gear Games’ new approach to Altar rewards and mechanics.…