Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen December 2022 Newsletter

This year’s final newsletter for Visionary Realms’ party-focused MMORPG Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen brings us a producer’s letter with a quick recap and an updated alpha roadmap, as well as the usual month in review, developer feature, and community spotlight sections.

Here’s something to get you started, and you take it from there:

Pantheon Community,

December has been a milestone month for Pantheon and a fitting way to cap off this year of exciting development. First, we announced that starting in January of 2023 we will be having monthly Pre-Alpha sessions. The amount of content and systems currently present in the game, and the success of VINL’s performance and stability have brought us to the point where we are ready to sustain consistent, monthly testing. Expect the first of these monthly sessions to arrive in late January. We will communicate the exact date near the beginning of the month.

The second milestone this month was the stream with CohhCarnage on December 10th. This was an unprecedented step forward for us because it was the first time a non-developer showed off the game in a completely unscripted, organic manner. This move is emblematic of our goals in the coming year and beyond: to show much more of the game and to let Pantheon speak for itself.

In addition to these major milestones, development on Pantheon has continued in earnest even as the holidays approach. Joining our team this month is Community Manager, Jamie Henry and Social Media Manager, Ruben Pereira. Many of you have already interacted with Jamie on the forums or Discord. You’ll recognize her as Savanja. And if you’ve been following and interacting with us on social media, you’ve likely seen or chatted with Ruben.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at our upcoming Calendar, and then the Alpha roadmap below to see some of the highlights of that ongoing work!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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