Pathfinder: Kingmaker Patch v1.3 Live

A new patch has made its way to Owlcat Games’ isometric cRPG Pathfinder: Kingmaker. As is often the case with Kingmaker’s patches, the patch is absolutely massive, to the point where the changelog had to be split into two separate announcements (Part 1, Part 2).

The main new feature of this patch is the ability to enter the world map straight from the throne room, which is something a lot of people have been asking for since the game initially launched. Other than that, the patch adds some new visual effects, improves the game’s interface, and fixes plenty of bugs and typos. Here are the highlights:

Dear pathfinders,

Patch 1.3 is live! It includes numerous bugfixes, new interface features and various gameplay, visual and localization improvements. Last but, not least, it delivers a huge quality of life feature that we’ve been working on for a long time: entering the Global Map straight from your throne room! Implementing this was quite difficult because so many events, encounters and quests trigger exactly when the player leaves the throne room. It took us a while, but we’re very happy we were finally able to satisfy this common player request.

We are most grateful to everyone who reports bugs, takes part in our beta-tests and helps us improve – you’re the best! As for us, we will keep working on the game and collecting your feedback. Stay tuned for more patch news in the nearest future!


Please, be aware of possible spoilers below!

Patch Highlights:

  • New feature: you can now enter the Global Map straight from your throne room. No need to run through the capital every time you’re leaving the castle anymore!
  • From now on, there will be priests who sell and read scrolls in every regional settlement.
  • Added new icons for items, books, letters and notes.
  • Added new visual effects for spells such as Boneshaker, Telekinetic Fist, Thorn Body, Molten Orb, Dominate Animal and others, as well as improved some of the existing ones.
  • Added ASUS Aura integration.
  • Several interface improvements:
    • resources on the global map will now show which region they’re located in and whether the player can already claim them,
    • the tooltips for kingdom stats will reflect which advisor governs which stat,
    • pets’ stats will always be shown in the inventory and the character sheet, to the right of the pet’s owner,
    • character sheet will now show the damage dealt by additional attacks with equipped weapons, such as those gained through high BAB and special abilities,
    • a weapon’s description will display the damage that the chosen character is going to deal with it,
    • the articles inside main sections of the encyclopedia will be sorted alphabetically,
    • multiple improvements to the spell book interface, including metamagic, opposing schools, specialization and domain slots, etc.
    • Fixed around 500 typos.
    • Numerous improvements to visuals, animations, audio, and localizations.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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