Pathfinder: Kingmaker Patches, Helpful Tips

Initially, Pathfinder: Kingmaker was supposed to receive a couple of hotfixes after its release and then get a proper patch that addressed the bulk of the issues plaguing the isometric cRPG. However, last week, one of the hotfixes informed us that this was no longer the plan and instead the developers were going to continue putting together these smaller patches for another week or two. So, if you’re interested in all the latest patch notes, you can find them over here: hotfix 1.0.3, hotfix 1.0.4, hotfix 1.0.5, and hotfix 1.0.6.

And before all these patches become an indistinguishable blur of fixes and notes for you, you can also check out this PC Gamer article that lists 11 helpful tips for those just picking Kingmaker up. Most of these should be obvious to anyone familiar with tabletop or Infinity Engine RPGs, but still, they may come in handy. An excerpt:

1. Buy a bag of holding or two
When the party is together spare inventory weight is spread equally among them. Once you get back to town you’ll be controlling just the one character, who will immediately be weighed down by all that half-plate you were planning to sell. Make sure to buy at least one bag of holding as soon as you can. Several merchants carry them and they shave 200 pounds off your encumbrance.

2. Save your BP but also know you can buy more
Once you unlock the kingdom management side of things a tutorial will take you through how to spend Build Points on construction. Feel free to plonk down six or seven buildings, but don’t feel the need to fill every slot straight away. The next section of the tutorial will teach you how to add another region to your barony and will expect you to have 150 BP left over to spend on that. Don’t be like Muggins here and put a business in every slot then run out of BP. If you do come short though, know that Hassuf, a merchant in your capital, sells BP for 80 gold each.

3. Don’t stab swarms
A hint about this has been patched in so future players don’t go to Fangberry Cave and get their asses handed to them by spider swarms like the rest of us did, but in case you missed it, enemies of the swarm type can only be damaged by area-of-effect attacks. If you’ve got the Burning Hands spell that will do the trick, as will throwing flasks of alchemist’s fire or acid. Apparently equipping torches as weapons works too.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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