Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta Now Live

The backer beta for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous is here. If you supported the game through Kickstarter or pre-ordered it at some point, you should now have access to a beta build containing four story chapters and a good bunch of the game’s systems that now include crafting and an official turn-based mode.

Beyond that, this Kickstarter update shares a new gameplay trailer and directs us to a special “Community Quest” that will steer the course of the game’s official trailer.

So, here’s a quick look at the game’s combat:

And an overview of the beta:

Greetings, Pathfinders!

Today is the day – the beta has started!

Since Stage 2 of the Alpha Test, we have done a lot of work. There are some big changes in the new version of the game – turn-based mode, new UI, rest and crafting, and 4th chapter. You will also see new beautiful character models, weather effects, and some additions to the Crusade.

And, starting from this moment, you can stream Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous or create videos using the in-game footage up to Act 3. We are sure that there will be a lot of new faces streaming Pathfinder or creating content about it, which is so exciting!

If you want to leave feedback or ask questions – you can do this on our forum or in Discord. And you can join our new subreddit – we are preparing some cool stuff for it 😉

Beta means incomplete

Our game is closing to the finish line, but there is still a lot of work to do. Certain content and features are still missing. For instance,

  • Not all of the archetypes and prestige classes have been implemented yet
  • The character creation features are not final and do not fully represent the final game content regarding character customization.
  • Army gameplay is not finished
  • There are still some placeholders
  • Weather effects need some polishing
  • A small part of the UI hasn’t been updated yet
  • Some bugs with NPC death animation and mounted combat animations
  • Art for some of the locations in Act 4 is missing
  • English texts in Act 4 haven’t been proofread yet, in other languages part of the translation before Act 3 is missing

We strongly advise you to read all the known issues that are present in the current build. They all can be found here.

If you face any bugs, please, report them following this guide.

How to download Beta?

You need to log into your account on, then click on your email in the upper right corner, and go to Digital Downloads. You should be able to see your beta key there. Then activate your beta code on Steam and start downloading the game!

Now, to the main additions…

Rest and Crafting

One of the things you should understand about Worldwound – there are no beautiful lush forests or peaceful plains. It is a demon-infested wasteland and a journey through it is not an easy feat. While in the open you are exposed to corrupting influence of the Worldwound, which will hinder you in different ways. The longer you stay in the wild – the harsher effects you will get.

And a new feature you will see in Beta, and that has already captured your attention, is crafting. You will be able to create potions and scrolls during the rest (later there will be an option to create soups, but it isn’t available in Beta).

To craft those consumables you need either Brew Potion or Scribe Scrolls feats.

Potions and scrolls are self-descriptive. Depending on ingredients and character’s level/skill you can get different kinds of potions and scrolls. Creating a potion or a scroll might take up to 5 days (depending on how powerful it is).

Cooking is also coming back for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, you will even see some of the old recipes coming back. But we will share more details later.

Turn-based Mode

With the beta, the turn-based mode is coming to Wrath of the Righteous!

There is nothing more to tell, except that there might be bugs with some new classes and how they interact with this system.

New UI

There are a lot of changes and it would take too much time to list them all. As you can see, the UI has changed pretty drastically and it is still in development. Character creation and level up, transitions, map, rest, meta-magic – nearly everything was changed to make the UI better. The only part of UI that hasn’t been implemented yet is Encyclopedia.

We hope that our new UI is much more readable and will help you make your decisions during character creation and level up easier.

There were some other ideas about how different parts of the UI should look, about which we might talk sometime later in the future 😉

Act 4

A new Act to play through. It contains everything you expect – plot development, Mythic and companion quests, side quests, and exploration! We wanted to provide you with the whole experience for this part of the game, so we included all of the locations – even those that are currently missing textures. In all other locations the scenery there is terrific and, later, every location in Act 4 will look great. We don’t want to spoil it for you with additional details, but we can say that it will be an otherworldly experience.

And that’s it. There are a lot of smaller changes, but we won’t list them here.

Join our stream at and watch us play beta at 12 PM EST/9 AM PST/6 PM CET/8 PM MSC on February 2nd. Oh, this is right now!

We are currently working on the new surveys for you to help us understand what you like and don’t like about Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, and looking forward to your feedback in our Discord and on the forum. Only together we can make this game reach its full potential and become a cult classic.

To arms, Crusaders!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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