Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous – Collector’s Editions Update

If you’re a Kickstarter backer eligible for a Collector’s Edition of Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous, you should check out this recent update that explains why you’ll be getting your physical rewards later than originally anticipated. Here it is:

Hello Crusaders!

We want to update you on the situation with the physical rewards. We had a busy November, and managed to ship a number of Collector’s Editions. However we kept encountering various issues with one of our manufacturers. The production of the items they were making for us took much longer than was anticipated, and the last batch of items we got from them had too many defective ones. It was a trusted partner of ours, and we tried to solve these issues with them in recent months but failed, unfortunately. After some consideration, we decided that we don’t want to risk you getting defective items, and we will have to change the manufacturer.

Sadly, it means the shipping of your rewards will be delayed again. We can’t express how sorry we are about it. To all the affected backers, who haven’t got their Boxed Editions with the Arueshalae figurine, Collector’s Editions, Collector’s Editions with add-ons, Premium Collector’s Edition, and Ultimate Editions signed until the end of this year, we will offer a Season Pass as an apology. The key will be available in your Digital Download tab.

We are fully committed to delivering you the rewards you paid for, not sacrificing the quality, and we plan to ship them during the first quarter of 2022. We are deeply sorry for this situation, and hoping for your patience and understanding.

To arms!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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