Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – The Last Sarkorians DLC Available

The Last Sarkorians DLC, the first part of the second Season Pass for Owlcat Games’ expansive CRPG Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, is now live, priced at $12.99 or your regional equivalent should you decide to pick it up as a standalone purchase.

This new piece of DLC introduces Ulbrig Olesk, a Shifter companion with the unique griffonheart archetype, who you can now recruit in the game’s first chapter. It also lets you create a Shifter character of your own, adds 9 new spells you can cast and a new area you can explore.

Here’s the official DLC trailer:

And its description:

Meet Ulbrig Olesk, one of the last scions of the shattered nation of Sarkoris. Armed with the ability to transform into a mighty griffon, he can become a formidable warrior in your party, a trustworthy friend — and maybe even more.

  • New playable class with 6 archetype variations. Become a shifter and use animal aspects and forms to decimate your enemies with the fury of a wild beast!
  • New companion for your party: a Sarkorian tribal chief who has mysteriously survived the ravaging of his homeland.
  • A brand-new, previously unavailable area, which you will be able to explore with your new ally, fight new enemies, and uncover some old secrets.
  • 9 new spells will aid you in battle with foes both new and old.
  • Optional romance with Ulbrig, available for both male and female characters.

Together with the DLC, the base game has received a new massive patch, the notes for which had to be split into two parts (part 1, part 2). Its highlights include numerous bug fixes, the ability to speed up or automate the game’s Crusade battles, as well as assorted visual and performance improvements

Here’s a quick excerpt to get you going:

Hello, Pathfinders!

Update 2.1.0u is out now! If you participated in the beta test, don’t forget to opt out to download the update and to be able to play The Last Sarkorians DLC (if you have it)!


  • Fixed multiple issues with navigation (like not being able to go somewhere or being able to walk through various objects) on different locations;
  • Fixed multiple kineticist abilities;
  • Tactical battles now have buttons to speed up the combat and to make the army fight automatically;
  • Fixed the issue with the vertical axis when playing with a controller;
  • The Skeletal Salesman got new goods in his store in the 5th chapter;
  • Multiple fixes and optimizations for The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
  • Improved the visual for the Swarm That Walks model;
  • Improved the performance of the game.

As always, the previous version 2.0.7 is available in beta branches. You can switch to it for now if you play with mods, and keep playing the older version until the mods update.

And if you encounter a bug, press Alt+B, and let us know about it!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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