Personality in Guild Wars 2

ArenaNet’s Curtis Johnson is the latest Guild Wars 2 designer to pen a blog entry about the MMORPG sequel, and this time we learn about the new “personality” mechanic. The current generation of MMOs need a lot of help, and this definitely sounds like a step in the right direction:

In Guild Wars 2, we’re going even further to make the out-of-combat experience a role playing experience by introducing (personality) as a player character role. How you respond to other characters develops and changes your personality over time, letting you affect how the game treats you. Personality is your character’s attitude toward others; it grows and changes as you play through your personal story and as you adventure in the persistent world.

Will you play a charming friend to all with a quick tongue and sharp wit, a dignified visionary who puts loyalty first, or a thug who solves everything with his fists? Your biography at character creation sets your starting personality, but almost immediately you will start refining your choice in dialogue with NPCs.

When you decide to con a free weapon out of the local lumberjacks, that choice moves you more toward being known as a scoundrel. Inspiring some war-weary guards to carry on the fight moves you more towards being known as honorable or even noble. Perhaps you will boast and bully your way through Tyria and become known as barbaric. Your actions will sometimes allow you special responses or interactions with the world. Barbaric characters, for example, can occasionally just cut to the end of a conversation with a punch to the face.

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