Peter Molyneux Interview

Kikizo Games was able to track down Lionhead Studios’ Peter Molyneux at Microsoft’s X06 event and fire off a few questions about Fable 2 and another project code-named Dimitri.

Here’s the thing, Fable 2 and Dimitri are not the same game, Dimitri has been in development for a very long time, but when we started on Fable 2 we decided that some of the technology or ideas from Dimitri should be in Fable 2 as well, and we haven’t started to talk about the specifics of that yet.” Previously he described Dimitri to us as Lionhead’s “flagship technology project”.

He continued: “With Dimitri, we still need to decide on a final name, because as you know, this is just a project name that is the name of my godson… I don’t think you’ll hear anything further in terms of announcements for about another year on this project”.

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