Physics of Black & White

I think it’s safe to assume that Lionhead Studios won’t be making the same mistake with Black & White that was made with Trespasser. If you remember (and I know most of you are still trying to forget), that game sold what little it could (before word of mouth spread) primarily on two things: Dinos and its “realistic physics engine.” And then, after word of mouth, it didn’t sell, based primarily on two things: the utterly horrid framerate, and its “realistic physics engine.” Enough about TP.

Lao Tzu, the Black & White fansite, posted up a fascinating interview with the physic’s guru at Lionhead, Scawen Roberts (neat name). Here’s a dusting:

What sets B&W’s physics apart from the physics in other game engines?

I think that this is the most accessible physics engine in a game. It is different from other games in that if you want to see some physics action, you can just pick up an object and throw it, in any direction you want, at any object you want. Most objects in the game can be picked up or knocked over, so it can be quite fun just throwing things around and smashing up buildings.

Blast Corps (N64 killer smashem-up game) anyone?

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