Pirates of Black Cove v1.0.4 Patch Released, Promotional Trailer

Nitro Games’ RTS/RPG crossbreed Pirates of Black Cove has been updated to version 1.0.4, and to celebrate the developer has put together a comical promotional video with animated characters from the game:

Here are the notes, as well:

– CTD Fix when using windcharm (if the charm was the last usable item in the inventory)
– CTD Fix that occasionally occurs on load game
– Patrolling enemy units fixed (occasionally would just stop and start twitching)
– Colonial commander now works as intended and heals the units near it at intervals
– Fixes to missions: Corsair FM6, Buccaneer FM 4, Pirate FM6 (Salty swill)
– Fixed achievements

– Left Click on radar marker / unit marker to focus the camera
– Right click radar marker to give move order to radar marker
– Number ‘5’ selects all units
– Ctrl click in GUI deselects selected units
– Pressing enter skips in game messages

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