PoR Issues

I have been doing quite a bit of browsing over on the official Pool of Radiance forums and decided to post some information and links to some of the more useful threads concerning various issues people are encountering with Pool of Radiance:

  • If you experience any lockups or “blue screens” during installation of the game and are forced to reboot, your operating system may think that the game installed in its entirety when indeed it didn’t. In this case, do not uninstall the game, as there is a possibility it may damage your operating system. Ubi-Soft is working on releasing a patch, as Garrett Graham put it, ASAP.
  • If you’re having troubles with your mouse in the game, check out this thread.
  • Currently, the game will allow you to choose a path where you’d like it installed, but no matter what you enter, it will install it in the C:Program FilesSSIPool of Radiance RoMD directory. If you *must* install the game in a different directory, such as when you have multiple partitions on your hard drive and your C: drive doesn’t have enough space, check out this thread.
  • If you’re having issues with your CDRom drive not being able to load the game, check out this thread.
  • If you own an ATI Radeon and are experiencing any graphic glitches or a lack of performance, check out this thread for some tweaking pointers.
  • If the game’s graphics aren’t running as smoothly as you think they should, try turning Anti-Aliasing ON in your video card’s settings.
  • There appears to be a serious issue with saving your game while any of your characters are invisible or under the effect of the “Blink” spell. People are reporting a crash to the desktop when trying to save, after which they cannot load any of their saved games. For a possible fix, check out this thread.
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