Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets Announcement Trailer

Creators of Nihilumbra, Beautifun Games are approaching psychotically happy to announce the release of their latest game, Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets, due for release on Nintendo Switch and Steam on 11th July.

The story goes like this. Playing as Professor Lupo’s intern, it’s your job to manage his collection of co-called horrible pets. Though, at first these creatures look cute and unassuming, as soon as they smell prey they turn into vicious hungry monsters. When a series of incidents cause the creatures to break free and run amok across the Aurora Space Station, it’s every intern for themselves.

There are over 100 levels of clever, puzzle-adventure gaming, with fun mechanics, a big dollop of humour , intertwined with suspense. All wrapped up in a visually attractive 2D visual package.

On the Nintendo Switch, the game supports all the consoles configurations, including portable, tabletop and TV modes. Players can use the various joycons, gamepads and tactile screen, to ensure they can play through the story whenever and however they want.

Any Steam players can choose between three control methods. The point and click mode, keyboard control and Steam controller are all fully compatible.

“This game took over two and a half years to make, and we couldn’t be more excited for people to finally play it. We’re extremely proud of the work that we did and we hope that you have as much fun playing it as we had developing it. We believe it’s every puzzle lover’s dream game, and we hope the fans agree!” says Aniol Alcaraz, CEO of BeautiFun Games.

Professor Lupo and His Horrible Pets Key Features

  • Narratively focused puzzle adventure game
  • Learn to use the aliens behavior to benefit you
  • Over 100 levels and tons of collectible items
  • Over 12 hours of gameplay
  • Distinctive English Voice Acting

Space puzzle adventure Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets will launch on Nintendo Switch and Steam on July 11th, 2019, but feel free to try out the demos either on Steam or on the Nintendo Switch eStore, or visit the BeautiFun Games website on

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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