Project Eternity Post-funding Update #56: Paladins and Wild Orlans

Project Eternity’s post-funding Kickstarter updates roll ever onwards. In update #56, Josh Sawyer has decided to cover the Paladin class in great detail, offering up everything from Obsidian’s overall philosophy on the class, to specific skills and abilities. It’s definitely an interesting and mechanics-focused read. Additionally, the update provides our first look at some preliminary renders for the Wild Orlans race – looking somewhat like bestial elves.

Paladins have a strong tradition in FRPGs. While the class represents different things to different players, it often conjures images of legendary European figures like the Twelve Peers of Charlemagne, El Cid, and the Knights of the Round Table. Players who like playing paladins often think of them as devoted, principled, brave, and unrelenting. They stand out because of their single-mindedness and unwavering dedication to their cause.

In Project Eternity, we wanted paladins to maintain their sense of selfless passion and zeal without being bound to concepts like “alignment” or a universal moral code. We also wanted their mechanics to be distinctive from the other classes while reinforcing their role in the world. Area designer Bobby Null has always liked the marshal class from D&D 3.5, which is conceptually similar to the warlord in 4E: combat leaders who are at their best when they are augmenting their teammates. This is the approach that I took when developing Project Eternity’s paladins. They have persistent modal auras, strong single-target healing and buff abilities (contrasting the broad AoE effects of clerics), and can passively grant bonuses to teammates in close proximity.


All paladins currently begin with the following abilities:

  • Reviving Exhortation (Active) – Paladins can command an unconscious ally to awaken and get back up with an immediate spike in Stamina, though the target will lose half of the regained Stamina after a short duration.
  • Zealous Barrage (Modal) – The paladin and all allies standing within 3m have their attack and ability speed increased. Cannot be used with Zealous March (below).
  • Faith and Conviction – Paladins have an inherent bonus to all defenses (Deflection, Fortitude, Reflexes, and Psyche).

As they advance, they gain additional abilities in the same spirit, such as:

  • Coordinated Attacks – The ally closest to the paladin attacking the same target as the paladin has a bonus to Accuracy.
  • Shake It Off (Active) – The paladin can command an ally to temporarily ignore existing Hostile effects for a short duration. The effects are suspended; they do not lose any of their duration and will resume as soon as Shake It Off expires.
  • Inspiring Triumph – Allies within 4m gain a temporary bonus to all defenses when the paladin downs an enemy.
  • Zealous March (Modal) – The paladin and all allies within 3m have their movement speed increased. Cannot be used with Zealous Barrage.

Check the full update out right here.

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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