Puzzle Quest: Galactrix Reviews

Another batch of reviews for Infinite Interactive’s Puzzle Quest: Galactrix greets us on this Easter Sunday.

The first is at Gaming Heaven with a score of 88/100:

Developer Infinite Interactive have taken the good key mechanics from Puzzle Quest and have adapted them for a space environment, while expanding upon many of the fun aspects. Everything about Galactrix is bigger and more epic by nature which means that fans of the franchise will have a lot of fun adapting to the new style. The various mini games add variety to the puzzles and the characters are entertaining to watch. A great game which should not be missed by any Xbox gamer.

The second is at TotalPCGaming with a score of 7/10:

But fundamental changes have been made that make Galactrix a more immersive experience. New areas on the map are segmented into star systems that you can mentally tick off as you complete all the main missions and side-quests available before you move on, and many random battles are no longer compulsory if you’re moving back into a previously explored area. Crucially, the story is less generic than it’s predecessor’s and has a major role in pulling you and your growing crew deeper into the galaxy. For us, Galactrix was meant to be nothing more than an in-betweener, but we’ve found ourselves spending far more time on it than we intended.

And the third is at Bright Hub with a score of 3/5:

Puzzle Quest: Galactrix takes you out into the universe for a little RPG puzzle adventure that keeps the energy and entertainment level high and makes battling equal opponents fun and engaging. It has interest puzzle variations that has a nice ratio of battles to puzzles and shows signs of refinement in development that make for an exciting action/puzzle title.

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