Queen’s Wish 2: The Tormentor Kickstarter Campaign Live

Queen’s Wish 2: The Tormentor, Spiderweb Software’s latest project, is now live on Kickstarter, looking to raise at least $40,000. Picking up where Queen’s Wish: The Conqueror left off, The Tormentor is a turn-based fantasy RPG where you’ll be pacifying and possibly rebuilding a remote province of a vast empire to which you are an heir.

Here’s Spiderweb’s Jeff Vogel with the official Kickstarter video:

And some additional info about this project:


We are Spiderweb Software. We have been happily creating fantasy adventures since 1994, and we have a new story to tell!

You are the youngest child of Queen Sharyn, the absolute leader of the Empire of Haven. While your older siblings have grabbed fame and power, you have slid by in a life of quiet luxury. Until now.

Your mother, the Queen, is ill. Haven is in a panic, struggling to keep up with her endless list of final wishes. You are the youngest of the family. Not entirely trusted with the serious work of Empire, you’re given the tedious royal errands.

So you are sent to tour the Rokaj, one of your more remote and ferocious vassal states. Your father’s homeland. When you arrive, you expect the usual tedium of welcoming banquets and speeches, but get an assassination attempt instead. Now you must search the mountains of the Ro and put down a violent rebellion, while obeying (or not) the constant commands of your Royal family.

Reclaim land. Build forts. Abuse your butler. Be diplomatic or do battle. History is happening quickly … Try to survive it.

Who Are We?

Spiderweb Software is a tiny mom and pop operation. Since 1994, we have created indie, old-school fantasy role-playing adventures for the sophisticated gamer. Our games are retro, full of the spirit of the old days. They’re low-budget, yes, but full of cool story, exciting battle systems, extremely open-ended stories and worlds, and homespun charm.

If you want to see what we do, check out our other series: Avernum, Geneforge, and Avadon.

We don’t write games with good or bad guys. We create worlds in which you have the freedom to wander, pick a side to join, and choose your own path to victory.

In 2018, we made our first Kickstarter, for Queen’s Wish: The Conquerer. The Kickstarter was a big success, and the game that resulted got great reviews and solid sales. Now we’re eager to continue the trilogy.

What Is Queen’s Wish?

The Queen’s Wish games are indie, old-school, turn-based fantasy role-playing adventures. Queen’s Wish 2 will be out for Windows, Macintosh, and hopefully iPhone, iPad, and other portables.

Queen’s Wish is a truly innovative series, full of new twists on the old role-playing formula.

You are royalty, and your power comes not just from violence but industry and diplomacy. You will rebuild your fortresses and their workshops, and much of your power comes from those who work for you. You will deal with mighty leaders, both of Haven and the Rokaj, and make the decisions that reshape the world. Punish wrongdoers. Take bribes. Be righteous or corrupt, merciful or vengeful.

You also bear the mighty magic of Haven, whose royals are expected to fight with the commoners. Show your strength in dozens of dungeons, caves, and fortresses. Create a team of warriors, equip them with a huge variety of useful abilities, and grapple with Queen’s Wish’s tense tactical combat.

Queen’s Wish is an experimental system. We tried a lot of things in the first game. Lots of them worked and a few didn’t. In the second game, we have reworked and improved the game system to give you more ways to do cool weird awesome stuff. We’ve written a blog post about what we are happy with and what we plan to improve.

Stretch Goals

Queen’s Wish 2 will be yet another of our charming, retro, low-budget games. As always, we have several dream goals we would like to meet.

$60K Level – iPhone Port

We always try to port our games to the iPad, but releasing them for iPhone is a lot more work. If we get this level of support, we can find a way to make it happen.

$80K Level – New Quest Line

Queen’s Wish 2 is going to be a big game. A whole nation full of factions, dungeons, fortresses, and massive side quests. However, there is room to make it bigger. If we reach this level, I will design a whole new side quest line, with its own extra-challenging encounters and special, extra-valuable loot.

For extra giggles, I will base this quest around prompts I will solicit, improv-comedy style, from backers.

$100K Level – Professional Sound Design

Spiderweb Software has always done our own sound design, because we couldn’t afford to do otherwise. Once again, we will try to reach this tier, act like real, grown-up developers and hire a pro to work on the game. Things like environmental sounds and key spell effects will actually sound good!

$150K Level – Android Version

At this level, we can afford to get a professional to create and maintain an Android version of Queen’s Wish 2 (for phones and tablets). In the unlikely event we get to this point, all backers will be able to download the full Android version. It is a beautiful dream.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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