Quest For Infamy Post-funding Updates #32-37

A quick stop by the adventure/RPG project Quest For Infamy on Kickstarter reveals that the small team has been busy kicking out several post-funding updates, including updates #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, and #37.  As you might have expected, the backers-only latest update has some of the more interesting and prescriptive feedback for us funders of the title:

Hey friends – it’s Steve here, otherwise known as Bt. I’m just sending out a quick update to you all – I usually use the weekends here to take care of all the clerical work that goes into making this video game! During the week, it’s all writing story, developing puzzles, working on animations and making background art – but during the weekend is when I’m pouring over all the surveys, making spreadsheets – putting things into categories – who’s getting big boxes, who’s getting DVD cases, T-Shirt sizes, who is in the book as a Roehm Runner in the library of Tyr…. and I’ve been staring at all over your names for a lot of time this weekend already.

It’s amazing to me, though, out of the thousands of these forms that I’m going over – I recognize so many names… and recall conversations we had. And the little things about you – the books, tv shows, music and other games you like – and some of you filled in some of my silly survey questions with wonderful answers that make me smile. Honestly – I can say that we, Infamous Quests, and Quest for Infamy, has some of the greatest video game and adventure game fans out there. You people are amazing. You’re so dedicated to adventure games. I’ve seen lots of the same names out there, supporting other, larger projects with some more well-known names at the helm, and I really have to take the time out to thank all of you for pledging your support behind us – a smaller, less well known group, but one who honestly has the passion and the talent to make a game that I know will rival your affections for any of the best games in the past or the future!

Thank you so much for believing in us. Thank you so much for believing in our game. Thank you so much for taking the time to befriend us – as I have some to know many of you, and fondly call you friends.

This would not be possible without your support. Going through all of these lists – seeing all of your names, over 1,600 of them, in front of me, is an amazing thing to see. And I appreciate each and every one of your donations – from $10 to $5,0000. We are incredibly blessed.

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