Realms of Quest V Coming in 2019

Although we technically knew that another Commodore VIC-20 installament of Ghislain de Blois’ Realms of Quest was headed our way back in 2017, we didn’t know how long it would be in development or who would be publishing it. Now we do, as Double Sided Games has announced that they will publish the latest old-school CRPG installment in 2019. Word is:

It’s with great pride that Double Sided Games will publish the fifth installment of the well-known Computer Roleplaying Game series, Realms of Quest! It’s principal author, Ghislain de Blois was influenced by games from the 1980s such as Ultima, Wizardry, Bard’s Tale, Phantasie and Telengard. In development ever since early 2017, Realms of Quest V is already in a well-advanced stage of production and an official release is planned for the second half of 2019.

To play Realms of Quest V you will need a 32k expanded Commodore VIC-20.

The game is rich in content and is of epic proportions! It features:

• Over 350 multicolor graphical images that depict the monsters, characters and scenery portraits
• 16 races, 16 classes, 2 genders and 3 alignments
• A party can have up to 10 player characters, plus 10 summoned monsters.
• An overland map that exceeds it’s predecessor by a factor of four!
• 20 Cities and 20 villages
• Persons that you can talk to and interact with
• 20 mazes and dungeons to explore

Ghislain has been busy tweeting about it, too, in case you want to take in the latest information.

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