Red 5 Studios Interview

Gamasutra has published a three-page interview with Red 5 Studios CEO Mark Kern about his decision to leave Blizzard’s World of Warcraft team to pursue his own MMORPG.

Q: Do you have a desire to beat World of Warcraft, or is that not in your scope?

A: No. I don’t think it’s necessary to beat World of Warcraft. We’re not going head to head with WoW. We’re not doing a WoW 2, like I said earlier. We’re actually more interested in expanding the genre now that WoW has kind of opened up gamers’ eyes everywhere, and across genres, gamers can see why a game like WoW would be cool to play with a persistent world and a live team that’s continually adding content. We’re really trying to make games that appeal to different parts of that gaming audience.

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