Rise of the Argonauts Review

Liquid Entertainment’s Rise of the Argonauts has received a somewhat mediocre review score of 60/100 from the editors at Computer Games Romania.

Rise of the Argonauts is far from a masterpiece. But it doesn’t even seem to want to be one, with its fake box office environment, which collect tons of low budget ideas. Some enemies remind me of Chinese terracotta soldiers. Other seem stolen from The Chronicles of Riddick. The swamps resemble the beginning of Neverwinter Nights 2, and centaurs resemble the faces in Star Trek.

The character voices, with their three pairs of balls, seem just perfect for the situation. So do the screeching fighting effects. And the only melodic moment I can remember in the game is the repetitive incantation which occurs when Jason is dying, which accurately match the moment. Otherwise, the soundtrack is generic and far too short.

Maybe Rise of the Argonauts has it all, but it doesn’t have the required charisma to impose its identity as a step forward towards for the hybridization of game genres. The developers probably wanted the game to have Action and RPG characteristics in equal doses, but the blend ultimately failed. And I personally regret that the mystifying ancient Greek missed its potential in this title.

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