While perusing the Developer’s Board on the official AE site, I noticed a post by Matthew Burroughs. He is asking Horizons fans to vote in a current Voodoo Extreme poll about upcoming MMORPGs. Here is the quoted message:

    On my daily internet romp through all the game-news sights… I noticed that the poll we were once winning is still up on Voodoo Extreme… but we aren’t winning anymore.
    Their latest poll is asking web visitors what MMORPG they are most looking forward to. Now… I voted once, and the darn thing won’t let me vote again (*sigh* … competant web developers)

    So I want everybody who loves Horizons to go and vote, just to see how bad we can smash Shadowbane! ((ROAR!))

    (the poll is on the menu bar to the left and down a tad)


    – Matthew “xi’Vexus” Burroughs
    – Horizons World Development Team

So what are you waiting for!? Go ROCK THE VOTE!

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