RPG Clichés That Need to Die

A bit old-hat, IGN digs up some RPG clichés that really do not need to be repeated ever again.

The Errand Boy

The mighty task of saving the world has fallen on my shoulders and every person I meet reminds me of the urgency of my task. Strangely, I’m not finding the very citizens I’m trying to save particularly helpful. In fact, the only way I can get these ingrates to actually help me defeat the Dark Lord is by running a seemingly endless series of menial chores. The fat innkeeper, for example, knows where the Dark Lord is hiding but he won’t give up the info until I agree to kill the rats that are infesting his cellar. He doesn’t seem the least bit concerned that the Dark Lord’s minions are raping and pillaging the land while I’m busy stomping rats downstairs. I’m beginning to suspect that “Chosen One” is a fancy way of saying “gopher.”

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