RPG Developers @ E3, Part II

RPGVault has kicked out a second “RPG Developers at E3” article, talking with several more game developers about what their plans are for this year’s expo. Here’s what Doug Avery of Black Isle Studios had to say:

    I will be presenting Icewind Dale II at this year’s E3. I am really looking forward to seeing both new and familiar faces and showing off all of the bells and whistles we’ve added to the game. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to walk the show and check out some of the other games in production. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress on Neverwinter Nights. I also can’t wait to see City of Heroes. I think a pretty big chunk of my life will be spent in Paragon City. Aside from that, I’ll probably just wander around and check out next year’s line-up of titles. At E3, I always manage to get excited over games that I previously wouldn’t have thought much about. I am certain that this year will be no exception.
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