RPGDot Article

RPGDot has posted an interesting article about advertising within games. The article talks about whether or not gamers would be offended to see advertisements placed within their games. Here’s a snippet:

    The question of advertising within games has once more reared its head. EA have recently announced that they expect to source the entire development costs of most, if not al of their sports titles, through advertising. They have said nothing about reducing the price of these games, of course.

    These games are not RPGs. Sports titles, by their nature, do not suffer from in-game advertising. The presence of billboards and corporate logos only adds to the sense of realism.

    Another aspect of realism is that if games companies can find ways to offset the ever increasing costs of developing games, they will do so. The purpose of this article of not to fight against such a move, but to look at ways it can be carried out constructively.

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