Sacred Citadel Announced, Sacred 3 Still in Development

Remember when I suggested that Deep Silver might be developing an MMORPG entitled Sacred World last week? Well, I was wrong. The big reveal is actually for a new co-op friendly, action-heavy platformer set in the Sacred franchise that bears virtually no resemblance to the action RPGs we’ve come to enjoy. And no, I’m not making this up:

Since there is absolutely no indication that the game will possess any RPG elements, I’ll be holding off on adding it to our database until we learn more. In the meantime, however, word on the game’s Facebook page is that some long-overdue Sacred 3 news is coming our way soon:

Get a glimpse of the fast-paced arcade co-op brawling action in this first trailer for Sacred Citadel! Stay tuned for more news about Sacred Citadel and Sacred 3.


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