Scorpia’s Gaming Lair Closing Down

What the hell is this, the collapse of independent RPG journalism? Anyway, renowned and high-quality site SCORPIA’s Gaming Lair, mostly known for its coverage of indie RPGs, is closing down.

.I re-opened this site as a blog. It was my hope that I could finally make a go of it on the ‘˜net. But things didn’t work out that way.

At best, the site pulls in just enough to cover expenses; I haven’t made a penny from it in all this time. What is worse is that I’ve fallen behind the curve.

My system can’t handle new games at all. There is no way I can afford a computer that could. And let’s face it, it was on game reviews primarily that my reputation was built.

So between no income and no modern system, I’ve lost heart. I’ve been struggling with this since the weekend; it hasn’t been an easy decision to make.

The site is going into suspended animation. No more posts will be made, unless my situation changes for the better. Chat will continue on Thursday nights as usual for the forseeable future.

Thank you all, for your participation here the past three years. It’s meant a lot to me. You’re good folks, and I’ll miss you. Sigh.

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