Scott Bilas Q&A

Planet Dungeon Siege has posted up a news blurb that features a few questions asked by Tiberius of the Ultima V: Lazarus team to Scott Bilas of Gas Powered Games. The questions are all related to the mechanics in Dungeon Siege, as you can read in this one:

    Tiberius: Does the worldmap “wrap” from one side to the other? In other words, if I walk all the way to the East side of the map, will I come out on the West side? If not, is there any way for us to make it be that way?

    Scott Bilas: Not unless you want it to. Everything is relative, so if you want to hook east up to west, then you’ll have an (apparently) infinite world. We have a desert that does this. Supposedly it should be possible to set up a moebius strip, but nobody’s tried that yet. All of this is possible by just stitching region A’s left side to region C’s right side. You can’t stitch a region to itself though. Anyway you’re going to be pretty surprised at what’s possible, I think. Our designers have been experimenting with some really goofy stuff lately. 😉

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