Shadowbane, the other side.

With many games in the works and many fans looking for the “next great thing” it comes as no suprise when people are let down. For some time now the anticipations have been pushed higher and higher, and some fans have spoken out. Both sides have been seen, if you look. Those cutting down Wolfpacks efforts, calling them delayed and slow. Right as they push Wolfpacks’ bar higher, wanting more backstory, more features, more this that and the other. All the while calling Shadowbane the best game ever made, and ever will be made.

This sounds a little far fetched, and there are those on the other side of the bar that agree. They say calm down and take it easy; let Shadowbane come, don’t doom it from the start.

And now over at Shadowbane Sage an indepth look at the overall going ons of Shadowbane has been taken by a fan, Anarion. His take jives with what many don’t like listening to, but going along with the old addage “tell each side of the story” here’s the link.

His take is long and indepth, and offers a lot of advice, and although it may not be the most popular on the block, and will be interpriated many ways, it’s done with a blunt style and quite a few facts to back it up.

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