Shadowrun DragonfallA new patch for the Director’s Cut version of Shadowrun: Dragonfall has been released, and it promises to fix a large number of bugs with the title. Here’s the full changelog:
New Features, Improvements
- General UI improvements.
- Minor AI improvements.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved issue that caused Ability Tray arrows to be shown when incorrect number of items are available for use.
- Resolved issue that caused actor gore to spawn when actor was killed via trigger.
- Resolved issue that caused actors to lose the flushed from cover debuff.
- Resolved issue that caused Armor effects to be applied in Matrix combat.
- Resolved issue that caused blood splatter to apply on walls when attacks were blocked by armor.
- Resolved issue that caused Broken Free Spirits to lock up the game.
- Resolved issue that caused clear all and confirm all options to not work as intended for team advancement UI.
- Resolved issue that caused Essence Buffer to not be used under certain conditions.
- Resolved issue that caused Female Trolls to not have a sprint animation.
- Resolved issue that caused Gargoyles to play incorrect animation after saving and loading.
- Resolved issue that caused healthbars to flicker when taking damage.
- Resolved issue that caused IC Healthbars from updating correctly.
- Resolved issue that caused icons and waypoints to show on top of the Hiring screen.
- Resolved issue that caused idols to not be removed when Charisma was removed.
- Resolved issue that caused incorrect UI scaling in main menu.
- Resolved issue that caused multiple interactions to stack on an actor.
- Resolved issue that caused old saves to fail to load if they contained propdefs that no longer exist in the latest scene.
- Resolved issue that caused Overwatch to not be saved in the Matrix.
- Resolved issue that caused Players to gain Idol with incorrect stats.
- Resolved issue that caused snow VFX to draw under props in certain circumstances.
- Resolved issue that prevented Mindwipe, Confusion, and Blindness spells from effecting new AI.
- Resolved issue that prevented number 4 from selecting third equipped weapon.
- Resolved issue that prevented Overwatch from being used on touch and double click input settings.
- Resolved issue with new AI being set to non-hostile team.
- Fixed BHM causing spaghetti monster.
Bug Fixes: Dragonfall Campaign
- Added new Shadowlands posts.
- Added Player agency to ending conversation in the Engineer mission.
- Cleared up mission objectives in Apex Rising mission.
- Improved Haven staging after watching DVDs.
- Improved staging for end of Settling Debts mission.
- Rescued clones in Bloodlines mission can now be seen outside.
- Resolved communication issues around different Settling Debts outcomes.
- Resolved issue that allowed Apex to jack out or the Matrix in Apex Rising mission.
- Resolved issue that caused a Cyberdeck to not reset to back in the Drug Pit mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Achievement (Unintended Consequences) would not unlock.
- Resolved issue that caused conversation icon to appear over a dead actor in Sewers mission.
- Resolved issue that caused conversation to exit unexpectedly in Panacea mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Dante to wear player outfits.
- Resolved issue that caused Dragonslayer Focus upgrade to not be applied.
- Resolved issue that caused Eiger not to follow the Player at the end of the Engineer mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Environmental Summon in MKVI mission to use incorrect character sheet.
- Resolved issue that caused Grenade Launchers to be equipped with incorrect stats.
- Resolved issue that caused incorrect armor values to be set in Feuerstelle mission boss fight.
- Resolved issue that caused incorrect Buff text to appear when Bliss Injector is used.
- Resolved issue that caused incorrect conversation options to be given in Apex Rising mission.
- Resolved issue that caused incorrect conversation to show if tenants were killed in Apex Rising mission.
- Resolved issue that caused incorrect story variables to be set in Feuerstelle mission.
- Resolved issue that caused interact to incorrectly persist in Earwig mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Luca Duerr to stay in the Kreuzbasar after telling him to leave.
- Resolved issue that caused Marta to not take cover if engaged in combat in Feuerstelle mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Monika’s Persona to spawn with incorrect skin.
- Resolved issue that caused music in Feuerstelle mission to not loop correctly.
- Resolved issue that caused NPC to have incorrect conversation if the Player had no accepted missions.
- Resolved issue that caused optional objectives to be unlocked incorrectly in MKVI mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Player to be unable to complete optional objective in MKVI mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Player to hear the same prophecy multiple times.
- Resolved issue that caused Player to potentially miss out on a conversation about a story character.
- Resolved issue that caused Player to receive duplicate mission items in the Engineer mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Player to say an actors name that they did not learn in Settling Debts mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Player to threaten an NPC in Apex Rising with no prior knowledge concerning the threat being made.
- Resolved issue that caused Players max AP to be reverted back to 2 AP in Feuerstelle mission.
- Resolved issue that caused Players to be able to use Cyberware Deactivator more than once.
- Resolved issue that caused Players to become locked out of Matrix boss fight in Settling Debts mission.
- Resolved issue that caused previous mission objectives to be active in Apex Rising after completing main objective.
- Resolved issue that caused trigger lock to prevent Player input in Settling Debts mission.
- Resolved issue that caused triggered autosave to fail in Trial Run mission.
- Resolved issue that caused triggered autosave to fail unexpectedly in Settling Debts mission.
- Resolved issue that caused unexpected behaviour when saving and loading in Apex Rising mission.
- Resolved issue that caused waypoint in Feuerstelle mission to not be activated.
- Resolved issue that could leave players movement blocked in Beneath the Kreuzbasar.
- Resolved issue that prevented a story character from being present in alternate ending.
- Resolved issue that prevented accepting Eiger’s trust mission if Humanis mission was not completed.
- Resolved issue that prevented hostile Riggers in Settling Debts mission spawning with their Drones.
- Resolved various spelling and grammar mistakes.