Shadowrun Returns Post-funding Update #54: Art Exhibit in Seattle

In case you find yourself in Seattle in these days and have backed or are interested in Shadowrun Returns, you might be interested in the latest post-funding update. It appears like the art team has the chance to show their work outside of Kickstarter updates and the Shadowrun website for once:

We’re really proud of the Shadowrun Returns art team and excited that they have the opportunity to show off some of their work with an art show at the Raygun Lounge on Capitol Hill in Seattle. The show includes a large selection of art and concepts from the game as well as personal contributions by members of the art team.

If you’re in the Seattle area, come join us tomorrow night starting at 6pm for the opening of the show! Make sure to check out the pieces down the street at Gamma Ray Games, too.

  • The Art of Shadowrun Returns
  • July 11, 2013
  • 6pm – 9pm @ The RayGun Lounge
  • 501 E Pine Street – Seattle, WA 98122
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