Sir Ben Kingsley to Voice King in Fable III

CVG brings word that famed actor Sir Ben Kingsley has been brought on board to voice the “King of Mist Peak” in Lionhead’s next Fable installment.

Kingsley told CVG earlier today: “I’m a voice in a new video game shortly – Fable III. I’m a wonderful wizard character who is the king of Mist Peak.

“It’s very energising and good for us actors to realise that [acting] is so diverse now. [Games] are as big a jump now as I suppose when cinema was invented, when people went from the stage to the cinema thinking: It’s not really acting, is it? Now, it’s video games – and it is acting. It’s very demanding.”

I’ve always liked Ben’s work. Hopefully the transition to video games is an easy one for him.

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