Sirtech Canada Is Gone

There has GOT to be something we can do to help. The developers of the game that I’ve been so looking forward to, Wizardry 8, the game that I have to say looked like a new classic and incredibly loaded with potential and polish… the makers of that game, Sirtech Canada are no longer in business. From Voodooextreme comes the news and link to the European game site Gamesticker, but the words of the development leader, Ian Currie, are in English:


Unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do to help you out. Tomorrow will be my last day working for Sirtech. Everyone else has already gone.

Ian Currie
Director, Product Development
Sir-tech Canada Ltd.”

This is so… headspinning. After the news of a few days ago about his wife Linda giving us the impression that Wizardry 8 is due out in a couple of months, to borrow a quote from Austin.. “What does it all MEAN Basil?” Will Wizardry 8 still be coming out despite Sirtech’s status? I don’t know but if it does I’m certainly buying it and would recommend it to all. If there are any publishers whom Sirtech contacted about publishing but refused, you passed up a great game.

My heart goes out to all of those who participated making such an extrordinary game, and though I’ve but glimpsed just a piece of a fragment of the game, it was that experience which gave me so much excitement to be looking forward to the real thing.

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