New Sniper Support Hero Overwatch Rumours

Overwatch has been out now for two months and despite its success, Blizzard are not resting on their laurels, with rumours of a new Sniper Support hero circulating the internet.
Details are a little sketchy as they tend to be in rumours. However, if you piece together the various bits floating around the internet you start to get something that looks pretty interesting.
Firstly, there was this tweet by Blizzard, which not only shows the blueprints to a sniper rifle but also the rather enigmatic text”¦

“[ARCHIVE] Communications Records of Ziegler, A. – Overwatch File 00231 – Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL”

Then on the image itself there are the following two pieces of dialogue.

“As discussed, this is the proposed rifle that could be equipped by medics in the field,” says Torbjörn “Despite what my esteemed colleague will surely suggest, the application of her biotic technology is only intended to be used for healing.”

Dr. Angela “Mercy” Ziegler responds with “While Torbjörn has, as ever, put forth a very clever design for his latest weapon, I would like to remind everyone that my intention when agreeing to the development of different biotic delivery mechanisms was to save the lives of Overwatch agents and others in need of medical aid. With this latest proposal, it is clear to me that we are on the slippery slope to modifications that will inevitably result in a weaponized version of this technology: something that I have been completely opposed to from the beginning.”

Fans have already put all these clues together, way quicker than I could, and seem to be leaning towards the new character being a sniper hero called Sombra. Not only is this name mentioned by Reaper in one of his voice lines “Where’s Sombra when you need her?”

There are also further clues hidden in Dorado, the Mexican map which ties Sombra to an Egyptian sharpshooter called Ana Amari, who is the mother of another Overwatch character, Pharah.

None of this has been confirmed by Blizzard yet, but what we do know is that whoever this new Overwatch hero is, she’s going to be a welcome addition to the Overwatch gang.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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