Solasta: Crown of the Magister – Barbarian & Druid Community Subclass Design Event

The upcoming DLC for Solasta: Crown of the Magister is apparently going to expand the game’s currently pretty limited class pool with a couple of new options. When this yet to be fully revealed DLC goes live, you’ll be able to strengthen your parties with Barbarians and Druids.

Moreover, those of you with a creative streak can currently participate in this so-called “Wishing Well” event and help design a subclass for both these new classes. Here’s more on that:

Hey there folks!

Are you ready for more Solasta? That’s right, today we’re revealing part of our upcoming DLC – say hello to the Barbarian and the Druid. But wait, that’s not all! As most of you know, ever since our Kickstarter we’ve been working hand in hand with our players – you – to make Solasta a better game, and that’s why today starts the Wishing Well Event!

What is the Wishing Well?

The Wishing Well is an event where everyone gets to submit design ideas for the two Community Subclasses that we’ll implement in-game for our first upcoming DLC – one for the Barbarian, and one for the Druid. We (Tactical Adventures) will be going through the submissions to select ideas that we find really cool, and either implement them as such, or tweak them to fit the game (for instance if the feature sounds really great but is too complex to implement, we’ll adapt or simplify it). Of course, the name (or nickname) of those we’ll use ideas from will be added in the game’s credits as Community Designers.

When is the Wishing Well taking place?

The Wishing Well starts now and ends on Sunday September 5th at 11:59 pm PDT.

What are the rules of the Wishing Well?

  • Please only participate once per person, i.e. 1 submission maximum per class
  • Please do not submit existing designs taken either from official sourcebooks or existing homebrew (unless it’s your own homebrew and you’re willing to share of course)
  • You do not need to submit a complete design – for instance, if you have cool ideas for a level 3 and level 6 barbarian features, but nothing for level 10 and 14, you can still submit something!
  • Please note that by participating, you agree to Tactical Adventures using the content you submitted. The legal guidelines can be found here (Barbarian Contest) and here (Druid Contest), if you’re proficient in legalese and want to dig into the documents.
  • Please note that we may adapt and modify the design you submitted
  • Please note that we may select features from different submissions to create both community subclasses (as in, picking a level 3 feature from one submission, and a level 6 feature from another one…)

How do I participate to the Wishing Well?

Simply submit your ideas in this Google Form!

  • Barbarian:
  • Druid:

How will I know if my submission is selected?

Before releasing the DLC (date not yet revealed), we will announce which ideas we selected (and some personal favorites as well) in a news post just like this one – and the name or nickname you put in the Google Form will also be added to the in-game credits as Community Designer.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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