Solasta: Crown of the Magister Patch v1.2.15 Available

Having released the Primal Calling DLC earlier this month, Tactical Adventures now brings us a new patch for Solasta: Crown of the Magister. And seeing how new content usually means new bugs, the patch seems to be doing a decent job addressing those. Here are the actual patch notes:

Patch 1.2.15

  • Added Lockpicks to Spy & Lowlife starting equipment
  • Fixed voice samples not playing properly in the Character Sheet outside the Main Menu
  • Fixed Loot Containers not showing all items if there were more than 15 items inside them
  • Fixed a Game Over screen wrongly triggering when killing the last non-charmed creature in a fight where the party charmed an enemy
  • Fixed Kindred Spirit not correctly using the Druid’s stats when summoned while in Wild Shape
  • Fixed a softlock that would occur when trying to resurrect an ally with a Barbarian holding the crown while raging. Barbarians can now use magic items while raging, just don’t ask them to use a spell scroll unless you want it shoved in your mouth.
  • Fixed Druid Wild Shape UI showing incorrect HP value if the enemy monster HP scale isn’t 100% in the difficulty settings
  • Creatures charmed by Animal Friendship now disappear at the end of the battle (like Charm Person)
  • Staff of Healing is now usable by druids and is a universal focus
  • Fixed Hide Armor +1 and Studded Leather +1 not displaying their proper title once identified
  • Fixed Wild Shape Badlands Eagles not having 2 attacks per round
  • Fixed Druids losing their buffs / Kindred Spirit if their Wild Shape goes down to 0 HP
  • Fixed Aid not working properly with Wild Shape
  • Fixed being able to use the major Gate to teleport to Caer Cyflen in the middle of the fight with Mardracht
  • Fixed Pilgrim’s & Zealot DoT not lasting the correct duration
  • Fixed Counterspell Reaction pop-up sometimes not displaying the correct spell slots remaining
  • Fixed Guiding Winds not being applied when attacking an enemy with a spell attack
  • Fixed Acolyte, Veteran, Highwayman & Guard not being targetable by Heat Metal
  • Fixed “Stop Rage” being displayed in the combat log as ActioneStopTitle (lol typo)
  • Fixed creatures not being damaged by Spirit Guardians if they entered the AoE with a charge (as opposed to moving normally into the AoE)
  • Fixed a falling column in Monastery not pushing the PCs aside when it fell, effectively blocking them forever.
  • Added feedback in the combat log when Kindred Druids use Share Pain
  • Fixed Stone Resilience temporary HP not being removed when Stone Barbarians stop raging
  • Fixed Drained status (lower maximum health) being transferred to the animal form when using Wild Shape
  • Fixed Wall of Thorns dealing piercing damage instead of slashing damage when moving inside it
  • Fixed a rare instance where the mouse cursor could disappear when an error pop-up appeared, making it seem like the game froze
  • Fixed Dimension Doors destination visual feedback being restricted by Line of Sight
  • Druids, Sorcerers, Wizards & Clerics now start the game with a spell focus equipped
  • Fixed Charm enemies not dropping loot at the end of the fight, potentially preventing quest items from dropping
  • Fixed a rare issue where characters could lose their animations if a cutscene started while they jumped (how does that even happen)
  • Fixed Minotaurs’ successful charge pausing the fight for several seconds.
  • Fixed Carried by the Winds still triggering when the Wind Druid’s spell is counterspelled
  • Fixed Scroll Scribing not displaying the correct information
  • Fixed Bracers of Defense being sold for dirt cheap
  • Fixed dying enemies vanishing before their death animation played out completely
  • Fixed Savage Attacks not using the correct weapon dice when using versatile weapons two-handed
  • Fixed Heat Metal VFX not appearing when re-applying the effect on subsequent rounds
  • Fixed portrait not being updated when deleting and recreating a character with the same name but different face
  • Fixed Reckless Attack giving Barbarians advantage until the start of their next turn instead of the end of their current turn
  • Fixed items being too large when held in hand in the inventory viewer (those are some MASSIVE candles)
  • Fixed Twinned Guiding Bolt & Levitate being interrupted on both targets when one dies
  • Fixed traps being triggered by proxy spells (like Sunlight or Fog Cloud)
  • Fixed Rage damage being added when attacking using DEX with a finesse weapon
  • Fixed Unarmored Defense stacking with Mage Armor
  • Fixed Flame Blade not using WIS as spellcasting ability for attack rolls when cast by druids
  • Fixed Spell Focus not properly displaying their type (Arcane / Divine / Druidic)
  • Component Belt, Component Pouch, Component Bracers are now Universal Spell Focus (can be used by any class)
  • Fixed Druids playing their idle animation instead of combat animation if entering a fight in animal form and reverting to human form while in combat
  • Added sound when dropping items on the ground
  • Fixed a sequence break in the Wanderer Background Quest that could prevent the player from triggering the final fight
  • Fixed a rare instance where Druids would be stuck in the ground in animal form after loading a save (what the…?)
  • Fixed certain monster AIs not properly taking into account their movement range when deciding on an action
  • Dungeon Maker: Fixed ContentType sometimes disappearing from the .json file
  • Dungeon Maker: Fixed some doors not being compatible with Activators in Town Interior environment
  • Dungeon Maker: Fixed shadows flickering rapidly under certain conditions in Town Exterior environment
  • Dungeon Maker: Fixed the Merchant icon behaving strangely when a combat triggers nearby
  • Dungeon Maker: Fixed Entry Activators activating right as the player finished loading, even if they didn’t click continue
  • Dungeon Maker: Fixed the “Y-shaped Wooden Beam” not being correctly restricted to walls
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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