Spyjinx Announced by ChAIR and J.J. Abrams

To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what kind of game SPYJINX is supposed to be, but given we covered ChAIR Entertainment and its Infinity Blade games in the past, that RPG character development is mentioned, and that J.J. Abrams is involved in the project, I thought it’d be worth a mention.

The game, which is supposed to be released on PC and mobile devices next year, has been announced not with any gameplay footage or a cinematic trailer, but with a roundtable high pitch from J.J. Abrams and ChAIR’s Donald Mustard, who were both interviewed by Geoff Keighley. If the title didn’t clue you in, it’s supposed to feature heavy espionage elements. Enough to pique my interest, given we’ve seen nothing in that space since Alpha Protocol:

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