Square Enix Working on “Platform Agnostic” RPG

While we haven’t traditionally covered Square Enix’s games in the past, their recent acquisition of Eidos and their involvement in games like Deus Ex: Human Revolution has put them on our radar. Andriasang, a Japanese RPG news site, has revealed that Square Enix is working on what they call a “platform agnostic” RPG – a game that players will be able to enjoy from “anywhere”, not tied to any existing hardware.

Unfortunately, there’s not much to go on, as details are very scarce. However, this is some of the first definite news of any game designed to be played in the cloud that we’ve heard, and it offers some interesting possibilities for RPG gameplay – different game modes for different interfaces, perhaps, or the ability to play multiple characters on different devices to see many sides of a story. Whether or not this will be a more traditional JRPG, or a new Final Fantasy MMO, or something more Western like Deus Ex or even Dragon’s Dogma remains to be seen, but it’s certainly interesting to think about, especially considering Western developers like EA have also expressed interest in such a style of game.

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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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