Standing Stone Games – Free Content Extended, Expansions Discounted

With this year’s pandemic preventing a lot of people from going out as much as they usually do, Standing Stone Games lifted some F2P restrictions from their long-running MMORPGs The Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online. Originally, this promotional event was supposed to run until the end of April, but it has now been extended until August 31, 2020.

On top of that, you will soon be able to purchase some expansion content for DDO and LOTRO from their respective in-game stores with a hefty discount. And if you’re a VIP, you’ll also be getting some additional rewards.

Here’s more on the DDO side of this promotion:

We have seen our communities come together in recent months as we unlocked quest, raid, and adventure area content to all players, and we are excited to make an announcement today that you’ll want to read.

We would like to thank you for supporting us! To start, players can continue to enjoy all of our quests, raids, and expansion content for free through August 31st, 2020. We would also like to provide a way for you to move forward with your gaming when our event eventually comes to an end, so in the coming days we will be providing a Coupon Code that will let you acquire all currently-available adventure packs permanently on your account(s)! However, you will need to act quickly, as this Coupon Code is available to redeem through August 31st, 2020.

Additionally, we will be conducting a sale on two of our expansions in the DDO Store! When the sale is active, players will be able to pick up the quests included in Menace of the Underdark and The Shadowfell Conspiracy for 99 DDO Points. Stay tuned for exact timing on the sale.

We are also announcing an update to our VIP program! VIPs will be getting a permanent +1% XP boost for every member in their party other than themselves and hirelings, up to a maximum of 5%. This boost stacks with other bonuses, and works the same as our long-running weekend Buddy Boost bonuses.

VIPs do not need to do anything to get this update, as your VIP account(s) will automatically receive this benefit starting in a game update in the near future.

Please continue to stay safe, and we are happy to have you here.


The teams at Standing Stone Games

And here’s what LOTRO has in store for us:

We have seen our communities come together in recent months as we unlocked quest, raid, and adventure area content to all players, and we are excited to make some announcements today that you’ll want to read.

We would like to thank you for supporting us! To begin with, you can continue to enjoy playing all quests, raids, and adventure areas for free through August 31st, 2020. We would also like to provide a way for you to move forward with your gaming when our event eventually comes to an end, so in the coming days we will be providing a Coupon Code that will let you acquire all currently-available quest packs permanently on your account(s)! However, you will need to act quickly, as this Coupon Code is available to redeem through August 31st, 2020.

Additionally, in the near future, we will be conducting a limited time sale on select Expansion quests in the LOTRO Store where you will be able to pick up the following items for only 99 points:

  • Expansion Quests: Mines of Moria
  • Expansion Quests: Siege of Mirkwood
  • Expansion Quests: Rise of Isengard
  • Expansion Quests: Riders of Rohan
  • Expansion Quests: Helm’s Deep
  • Instance Cluster: Rise of Isengard
  • Instance Cluster: Riders of Rohan

We are also announcing an update to our VIP program! Soon, VIPs will get access to a vendor that will grant them the following benefits once per day: 48-hours of town services items, a buff that negates item wear, and a buff that provides rapid crafting.

VIPs do not need to do anything to get this update, as your VIP account(s) will automatically receive this benefit in a game update in the near future.

Please continue to enjoy our games, and we are happy to have you here.


The teams at Standing Stone Games

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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