Star Trek Online Season 13.5 Available on PC

Season 13.5, the latest update for Cryptic Studios’ Star Trek Online, is now available on PC. This midseason update introduces a new featured episode, an expansion of the existing Admiralty system, and a new Endeavor System. Here’s Steve Ricossa, STO’s Executive Producer talking about all the new features:

You can also check out the patch notes that come with the update:

New Features:

New Featured Episode: Brushfire

Endeavor System:

Ferengi Admiralty Campaign:


  • In an effort to improve performance, cloud-like visual FX from certain powers will no longer be visible if within a minimum distance of identical cloud FX.
    • All other behavior associated with the powers remain unchanged as in damage, range, debuff stacking, etc as this only changes visuals.
    • This FX update will affect the following abilities:
      • Eject Warp Plasma
      • Vent Theta Radiation
      • Eject Tetryon Plasma
      • Eject Metreon Gas
      • Coolant Ignition
      • Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo in all firing modes
      • Na’kuhl Plasma Torpedo
      • Vent Metreon Laced Plasma
      • Nadion Saturation Bomb 
  • Resolved an issue while wearing the 23rd Century Klingon Sleeveless Uniform would cause arms to disappear for most species.
  • Resolved an issue where windows on the bottom of the Negh’var would be floating if the player used any other wings other than the Negh’var.
  • Resolved an issue where most of the Kar’Fi model would disappear under certain conditions. 
  • Resolved an issue where the Heavy Cruiser Refit only had two of four nacelles light up when going to warp.
  • Improved appearance of Borg console visuals with the Phoenix shuttle holoemitter in Sector Space. 
  • 23rd Century Starfleet characters now have appropriate ground shield FX. 


  • Resolved an issue that caused some Duty Officer Missions to allow Admiralty ships to be slotted. 
  • Singularity Warp Shadows has been re-designed slightly:
    • Warp Shadows can now be damaged.
    • While Warp Shadows are attacking a non-player target, that target is prevented from attacking the warp shadow creator.
    • Singularity Jump Kinetic damage now scales with the Exotic Particle Generators Skill and Kinetic damage buffs. 
  • Hold Together:
    • Resolved some scaling issues with Hold Together.
    • Resolved an issue that could cause Hold Together to damage the player when flying in reverse.
  • Resolved an issue that stopped Resilient Power Cells from working on some weapons.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the effects of the [Pen] and [Run] modifiers to not be shown on item tooltips. 
  • Changed Fire On My Mark stealth debuff values to be more in line with original design intentions. 
  • “Sabotage Romulan Resupply Base” Duty Officer Assignment is now “Sabotage Tal Shiar Resupply Base”.
  • Resolved an issue with Medic2 Duty Officers that was preventing them from being slotted into Active Space.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the damage of Hyperonic Radiation to scale more aggressively than intended.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing the Miradorn Raider from gaining damage immunity when using Pilot Maneuvers. 
  • Added a missing engine trail to the Romulan Vastam Tactical Command Warbird.
  • Resolved an issue where the Competitive Wargames shield procs could be activated by Damage-over-Time effects.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Status Specialist Bridge Officer Trait to display an incorrect region icon.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Damage over Time from the Crystal Radiation Projector to not scale properly with the player’s damage buffs. 
  • The Missionpod section of the Arbiter Battlecruiser will now de-activate its ablative armor when not in combat. 


  • Power Tray Updates:
    • Added support for up to 10 rows or columns to the space power trays.
    • Added support for rotating both power trays by 90 degrees and for two horizontal trays or two vertical trays.
    • The space power tray settings will now be hidden when clicking outside of the buttons.
    • The space power tray settings now indicate which settings are active.
    • Added a separate option to toggle the “Fire All” buttons independent of how many tray rows there are.
      • If a single tray row is selected, then it will only show “Fire All Weapons”.
      • The “Fire All” buttons are only available for horizontal trays.
  • Resolved an issue where unlocking a trait would not allow it to be slotted until after moving to a different map.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Team Invite window to not disappear while auto-teamed.
  • Resolved an issue where the Icons in the power menu would not update if the player added or removed a power with the power menu open.
  • Resolved an issue where swapping between Bridge Officer skills would briefly load up the captain skills window.
  • Resolved an issue where pressing the Game Menu button would not immediately open the window.


  • Echoes of Light: Core sampling of the second comet is no longer timed, but instead completes as soon as the player has collected enough material.
  • Fluid Dynamics:
    • Adjusted allied ships so that they should move quickly to aid player when engaging the Borg.
    • Borg command diamond should no longer flee at high speed.
  • Dragon’s Deceit: Resolved an issue that sometimes caused Galik to be stuck under the ground.
  • Resolved an issue where the Core Assault Advanced rewards listed that it rewarded Iconian Marks instead of Fleet Marks.

Known Issues:

  • The loadout slot options will appear as if nothing is selected after selecting one and transitioning to a map.
    • This does not affect the positions of slotted powers from the loadout.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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