Star Wars Galaxies Chapter 5 Interview

RPG Vault has conducted an interview with LucasArts producer Jake Neri about next week’s Chapter 5 update for Star Wars Galaxies.

Q: What are the “performance packages” that will be implemented for entertainers? How will they work, and how long will they last?

A: The team wanted to create a seamless system that would allow entertainers to easily apply a large variation of buffs to other players. The result is just that. An entertainer can easily target the person that he wishes to buff, pull up his buff creation UI, and quickly place the appropriate buff on that target. Entertainers will have from five to15 points with which to build the buff, depending on their character’s level.

A quick example would be a player creating a +5 buff, who could put +3 to strength and +2 to constitution, or any other combination. The system really does create an endless amount of buffs. Their duration depends on how long the player watches the entertainer prior to the application.

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